Work in Australia
There are many opportunities to study and work in Australia. All of the courses available to international students allow for 40 hours of work per fortnight. During scheduled course holidays you are eligible to work unlimited hours.
Also after a higher education course you are allowed to remain in Australia on a different visa to continue full-time work in the field you have studied for a determined number of years. Conditions apply, contact us for details relating to your visa.
AIOE! also offers programs via its partner colleges paid internships such as Accounting Courses.
For more information see:
Studying in Australia at
Australia’s migration policy at
Work in Australia
Working while you study in Australia can help complement your study and living experience. There are a number of reasons you might want to undertake part time work while studying in Australia, including assisting with living expenses and gaining work experience in your study area.
Most student visas allow you to work for up to 40 hours every two weeks while your course is in session, and unrestricted hours during any scheduled course break, but before you undertake any paid work you need to make sure your visa allows you to work. Find out more at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection website.
Work while you study
Australia has a wide range of industries and many have part time employment opportunities, including:
Retail – supermarkets, department and clothing stores.
Hospitality – cafes, bars and restaurants.
Tourism – hotels and motels.
Agricultural – farming and fruit-picking.
Sales and telemarketing.
Administration or Clerical roles.
If you have existing qualifications and/or professional work experience, you may be able to secure casual or part time work in your field.
Paid Work
There are many charities and non-government organisations (NGOs) in Australia and they always need volunteers to help out. It can be a great way to meet friends, get some hands on work experience and give back to the community. To find out more about volunteering, start your search at:
Paid or unpaid internships can be a great way to get exposure to the professional, financial and creative industries. Learn more about getting an internship on the Internships page in the Education System section of this website.
Everyone working in Australia, including international students or those on working holiday visas, have basic rights at work. These rights protect entitlement to:
A minimum wage.
Challenge of unfair dismissal from the job
Breaks and rest periods.
A healthy and safe work environment.
Most employers in Australia are covered by an ‘award’, which sets minimum wages and conditions for a given field of work or industry. To find out more about your work rights visit the Australian Government’s Fair Work website. You will also need to get a tax file number to work in Australia. Visit the Australian Taxation Office website to find out more information on getting a tax file number, as well as information about paying taxes in Australia.
Your Rights
There are plenty of ways to find work that suits you, including:
Newspapers and online job sites.
Some institutions provide job notice-boards on campus and online. Contact your institution’s international student support staff to find out what options your institution offers.
Register your details at a recruitment firm; many of them help place people in casual or short-term work.